Africa Climate Careers Network's Climate Job Board

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Grants Officer - Kiwa Initiative (Temporary)



kigali, rwanda · Oceania · Suva, Fiji · Fiji
Posted on Aug 30, 2024
The Grants Officer – Temporary will undertake day-to-day administration of the Kiwa Initiative granting component which includes granting processes, procedures, reporting and monitoring and ensuring that they are delivered in a timely, effective and accurate manner according to the IUCN Kiwa Local Projects Component project description of action and Operation Manual (OM).

Grant Contracting
• Draft each approved grantee contracts and submit to ORO Legal to review and once cleared to send to grantees for their review and comments.
• In collaboration with ORO legal and Kiwa team finalise contract, all annexes and compile the finance questionnaire, due diligence, spending funds form and delegation of authority
• Facilitated the signing of contracts which includes uploading them on DocuSign for signing and arranging signing and grant launch where needed.
• Ensure all contracts are filed and monitor any amendments process.
Grant Tracking, monitoring and reporting.
• Ensure all grantee technical and financial reports received and filed and facilitate technical review and financial review with Kiwa team meetings and track progress.
• Track grantee Task, Deliverables and log-frame progress for overall M&E purposes.
• Monitor grantees project performance through communication with grantees and through site visits where appropriate.
• Work closely with IUCN ORO Financial Team to review each grantee’s project fincial report in line with the overall regional level project budget and expenditure authorizations in accordance with IUCN’s financial management systems and procedures.

Programme Planning, Reporting and Support
• The staff will be responsible to write the Grants Section of the Kiwa Semi-annual and Annual reports and submit these to the Kiwa Coordinator in a timely manner.
• Provide Kiwa Initiative Programme – Grants Component Annual Work Plan and Budget and provide quarterly updates as part of ORO Programme reporting and tracking of technical and budget tracking and planning process.
• When required provide donors grants data and analysis as required under the IUCN-AFD Kiwa Finance Agreement Log-frame and work plan.

• When required attend and represent IUCN at regional and international meetings to share lessons and present programme lessons and best practices.
• Actively reach out and support where appropriate and link Kiwa programme with other ORO programmes such as the NbS, Marine, PACA and other programmes.
• Support the the Kiwa Coordinator as required through engagement on regional network groups, task forces and committees; representing IUCN and Kiwa Initiative Component A at relevant fora, meetings and workshops at all levels; contribution to IUCN ORO programme planning forums, advisory committees and, project reviews.

Technical Support
• Develop a thorough understanding of the Kiwa Initiative Component A mechanism,
• Provide regular technical advice to the KI CA Coordinator and assist in work planning and the preparation of reports.
• Support the the KI CA Coordinator as required through engagement on regional network groups, task forces and committees; representing IUCN and Kiwa Initiative Component A at relevant fora, meetings and workshops at all levels; contribution to IUCN ORO programme planning forums, advisory committees and, project reviews.
• Contribute to tell the stories from the field of programme highlight from grantees, IUCN coordination and stories from our partners.
• Contribute to information sharing, lessons learning and documentation of project and programme experiences
• Perform other duties as may be assigned