Africa Climate Careers Network's Climate Job Board

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Regional Programme Coordinator



Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire · Amman, Jordan · Jordan Springs, VA, USA · Jordan
Posted 6+ months ago
1. Overall Planning and Management of ROWA Programmes:
o Coordinate IUCN’s ROWA programme in close collaboration with IUCN’s programmes managers,Members, Commissions and Partners in the region;
o Overall “administrative” coordination of all IUCN ROWA Programmes, including yearly budgeting, overall finance and content reporting, annual work planning of programme staff;
o Coordinate and lead on the preparation of the Inter-sessional 4-year plans, situation analysis and business plans;
o Ensure coordination and linkage between IUCN Secretariat component programmes (global thematic programmes and regional programmes);
o Ensure that standards for individual and programme performance are put in place and used.
o Manage the quarterly and annual reporting process in a manner that meets IUCN’s reporting requirements;
o Ensure that human capacity and financial resources match programme needs in liaison with the Regional Director, Programme managers/Project Officers and Operations Manager, and
o Implement an integrated training programme at regional level in programme planning and project cycle management, monitoring and evaluation and reporting.

2. Managing the projects portfolio:
o Provide overall strategic guidance and ensure effective development and maintenance of the region’s project portfolio and pipeline, including project formulation, submission to donors, implementation, monitoring and delivery of high quality technical reports and products;
o Supervise the overall financial management and viability of the project portfolio, manage and report on funds used in project activities as per IUCN rules and regulations and maximise opportunities for developing long-term relations with donors;
o Assist Finance in regular monitoring of the thematic programme’s budgets and advise managers and the Regional Director on progress and problems associated with programme and budget delivery;
o Maintain the Regional Consolidated ABC List and oversee that project information in the IUCN Knowledge Network is updated;
o Ensure the implementation of a regular planning cycle, the use of a common set of methods and tools and standards for planning in ROWA, and
o Monitor the quality of planning activities and planning skills at all levels and ensure that a monitoring and feedback process is in place.
3. Coordination of the thematic programmes:
o Provide overall substantive and strategic guidance and operational management of the IUCN ROWA thematic programmes. This includes planning, approval, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and reporting;
o Provide technical advice to countries of the ROWA Region to support project implementation and coordination of all project activities within these programmes with the international donor community;
o Coordinate with Global Thematic Programmes towards a unified regional strategy that puts ecosystem management on the foreground;
o Develop project proposals that fit in the overall ROWA programme priorities for submission to donors;
o Coordinate closely with donors working in the thematic areas of the ROWA programme and resource mobilization for activities in the selected countries in the Region;
o Develop, implement and review annual work programmes and project activities that contribute to the emergence of a strategic IUCN programme at the regional level, in association with relevant IUCN members, commissions and partners;
o Coach, support and line-manage Programme/Project Officers and consultants in the management of all projects, in accordance with the relevant procedures and in order to achieve anticipated outputs and outcomes;
o Ensure timely preparation and submission of the required progress and financial reports to donors and any other required progress reports;
o Provide leadership in feeding the results of project/programme activities into ROWA communication activities, and respond to requests about the programme;
o Represent IUCN in relevant fora (international conventions, policy forums, national and international meetings etc), at the request of the Regional Director, giving appropriate and high quality technical representation of the programme;
o Undertaking other tasks at the request of the Regional Director to ensure the effective implementation of the programme, and
o Develop new initiatives and responses to emerging issues.