Africa Climate Careers Network's Climate Job Board

Discover emerging career opportunities in the climate and clean energy sectors

Helios Leadership Development Program

Husk Power Systems

Husk Power Systems

Posted on Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Husk Power is seeking the best and the most purpose-driven young managers for the Helios Leadership Development Program. The first batch of Helios leaders will undergo an exhilarating 18-month rotational experience, crisscrossing functions within Husk Power. Helios leaders will work with multiple CXOs and learning the nitty-gritties of industry and business.

The Helios 18 Month Journey

2 weeks

  • Induction and training

5 months

  • First role at first location

5 months

  • Second role at second location

5 months

  • Third role at third location

3 months

  • Accelerated Immersions


  • Tag a CXO
  • Exposure to top level strategy overview & learning
  • Best Training in industry
  • Cohort of peers